Always gone left? Time to take a right! The left brain vs the right brain

Always gone left? Time to take a right! The left brain vs the right brain

The theory following left brain versus right brain is established on the concept that the two halves of the brain control very different functions of our minds. The left brain is believed to control language, sequencing, math, and logic, while the right side of the brain is the more creative side, where feelings, imagination, and artistic abilities exists. The image below is self-descriptive:

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It is essential to recognise how our two halves of the brain work together. One would obviously think of a business owner as being logical, detail-oriented problem-solvers. However, many businesses involve creativity as a root for the product or service they sell. Creativity is also vital for marketing and advertising as the “art of persuasion” is linked with right-brain thinkers. Therefore, it is important to balance left and right brain thinking.

Creativity is something that many of us think is a natural talent, it is believed that some have it and some don’t. Creativity, or lack of creativity can be tracked back to your brain and the way we are trained. The left brain, which deals with linear and logical problems is what is mostly developed in the early years of our life which, we all spend in school. Most jobs involve procedural work, to do lists, and fact-checking thus, pushing us to use our left brain. The right brain is much more intimidating to develop and measure, so it is often overlooked. It is no surprise that many of us believe ourselves to be logical but struggle when it comes to the creative front.

Why Go Right?

The right brain uses intuition to come up with many different solutions, approaches, and answers to a problem that cannot be solved by the left brain. The right brain is also the side of the brain that can visualise new things as It is not afraid of the unknown. Therefore, it is just more equipped to generate new ideas and creative problems, while the left brain relies on past information and routine.

The right brain also allows to create balance between logic and emotion. Ideas produced solely by the left brain are characteristically not the most innovative. The balance of emotion and logic between the sides of the brain are what make ideas appealing. This is one of the many reasons that it is important to balance the ideas of the right brain and the left brain. You need both sides to produce the optimum work and complete ideas.

How to involve your Right Brain?

Consider Ideas from Different Perspectives: Take the time to think through any situation from a perspective different than yours. Reflect how you would view things, react, or handle circumstances through someone else’s perspective. By pushing yourself to see through a new lens, you will initiate to think differently about ideas and situations.

Do a Creative Exercise everyday: Just like everything else, creativity takes practice. There are tons of books and online resources that will provide you with some type of brief activity to flex your creative muscles. Try story writing or other activities to work creatively. . Inhibition-free but involved doodling, sketching, painting, and other forms of art, help assimilate problematic, emotionally difficult things; help us vent; and get the healthy and much needed release.

Try a Creative Hobby: Most of us always wanted to do that, right? It is never too late to start a hobby like drawing, writing, painting, dancing, origami, song writing, or anything else that interests you. If there is something you have been putting off or have refused yourself because you think you are ‘not creative, now is the time to start!

Take time out to imagine: Consider questioning yourself, “What will make me happy?” Allow your mind to ponder on the question and beyond. Practice being conscious of your feelings as they move to new subjects and leads you to new ideas. Let your inspiration, creativity, and impulsiveness guide you. This simple exercise stimulates your innovative side.

Engage in Motivating Tasks: Don’t be afraid to try new and stimulating things You will never grow if you are continually sticking to routine tasks that you know how to solve. New, trickier problems will require you to think more creatively for solutions, which helps in the expansion of your right brain. Don’t settle with “I don’t know.” Instead, brainstorm solutions and use your creativity to find the right solution.

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